Ryan & Boehner

Ryan & Boehner

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Paul Ryan has a record of supporting big government spending and actions. He talks a big game but it is nothing but a facade. Review the facts for yourself:

The Facts: Ryan's Famed Budgets Actually Increase Spending
The Facts: Ryan Is A Leader For Amnesty
The Facts: Ryan Wanted To Increase Food Stamps By 260%
The Facts: Ryan Voted For The TARP Bank Bailouts
The Facts: Ryan Voted For Economic Stimulus Bill HR 5140
The Facts: Ryan Voted For A $15B Bailout For GM & Chrysler
The Facts: Ryan Voted For $192B Additional Anti-Recession Stimulus Spending
The Facts: Ryan Voted For Medicare Part D
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Provide $70 million For Section 8 Housing Vouchers
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Extend Unemployment Benefits By 20 Weeks
The Facts: Ryan Voted For Head Start
The Facts: Ryan Voted For No Child Left Behind
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Federalize Drivers Licenses
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Make The Patriot Act Permanent
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Allow Electronic Surveillance Without A Warrant
The Facts: Ryan Voted For The "Bridge To Nowhere"
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Increase The Debt Limit Many Times
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Allow The NSA To Illegally Spy On Americans
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Increase Tariffs
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Keep The Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wages Law
The Facts: Ryan Voted For A Federal Renewable Energy Standard
The Facts: Ryan Voted For Indefinite Detention Of American Citizens
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Fund Illegal Military Action Into Libya
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Fund The United Nations
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Create The Bloated Department Of Homeland Security
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Reauthorize The Crony-Capitalist Export-Import Bank
The Facts: Ryan Voted To Increase the Minimum Wage
The Facts: Ryan Voted For Gun Show Background Checks

Don't be fooled by Paul Ryan. He does not support fiscal conservatism or the Constitution.